References: Specification files
Specification files (specs) are used to declare eryph resources in text files.
This allows them to be managed like code or generated from code (Infrastructure as Code).
Currently eryph supports 3 types of specification files:
Catlets and fodder specs
Catlet specifications declare how a catlet should be build.
Fodder specifications are standalone fodder specifications on the genepool that can be consumed by other fodder or catlet specifications.Project networks specs
Project networks specifications declare how a project's virtual networks should be built.
They provide an abstraction between the physical network structure (declared in network providers) and the networks visible in the project.
Specifications can be created in YAML as well as in JSON format.
JSON specifications are designed for use by automation and machine-to-machine communication. The YAML format is optimized for human readability.
Both formats use snake case for property names. Some YAML properties contain short versions (see YAML short format in settings below).
These are not supported for the JSON format, which always requires a nested object to be specified as a JSON object.
Catlet specification
Catlet specifications declare how a catlet should be built (we call this breeding and feeding).
When a catlet is created, it is bred by inheriting all attributes from it's parent and the parent's parent(s). Then it is fed with all the fodder defined in parents and it's own fodder configuration.
When breeding, catlets can mutate the attributes inherited from their parents, which means they can change or be removed.
The feeding is done only once. Other attributes like cpu and memory can also be changed for existing catlets.
Catlet settings
Setting | Description |
version | Version of the specification file format. If missing default version will be assumed, which is currently 1.0. |
name | Name of the catlet. Has to be unique within a project and environment. |
parent | Name of the catlet parent in geneset reference format. A geneset reference has to be specified in format The catlet will inherits all settings of the parent if not specified otherwise in the catlet (either by overwrites or mutations, see also below for mutations on capabilities, disks and fodder). |
project | Name of the project to which the catlet will be assigned. Projects are used to isolate catlets in terms of security requirements, network access, and storage. |
location | Catlet name on storage level. Set the location if you would like to have human readable name also on file system level. Default is a time dependend generated value (aka storage identifier). |
hostname | Hostname of the catlet. If missing the catlet name will be used as hostname. |
environment | The catlet's environment. Environments can be used to place catlets with the same specification on different networks and datastore paths. A typical use case is to separate production and staging environments. Catlets in different environments can reach each other on the network, but are separated by subdomains (in the case of overlay networks). |
store | Catlet datastore name, as configured in the agent settings. Datastores can be used to separate volumes and configurations according to your needs, for example, one storage with SSDs and another with HDDs. The datastore declared here will be used for catlet configuration files and not for disks. |
CPU settings
settings group name: cpu
setting type: object
YAML short format: cpu: <count>
Setting | Description |
count | Number of vCPUs assigned to the catlet. |
Memory settings
settings group name: memory
setting type: object
YAML short format: memory: <startup mem in MiB>
Setting | Description |
startup | Memory of the catlet in MiB (Megabytes) This is the memory the catlet will be started with. If dynamic memory is not used, it will keep this setting. Otherwise memory will be changed by usage between minimum and maximum memory. |
minimum | Minimum memory of the catlet in MiB (Megabytes) |
maximum | Maximum memory of the catlet in MiB (Megabytes) |
Setting either minimum or maximum more will automatically enable the capability "dynamic_memory" for the catlet.
Drive settings
settings group name: drive
setting type: list of named objects
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the drive in unix device name format (sda, sdb, etc..). Notice The name of the disk will also be used for the disk name on the file system. However, in case of a differential disk, it will also contain a generation number like sda_g2.vhdx to make it unique in case the entire catlet VM is exported together with it's parents disks. |
mutation | Optional setting on how parent disks should be inherited. The default is |
location | Disk location name on storage. This is useful if you want to use an existing disk or share the disk with other catlets. See also |
store | Disk datastore name, as configured in the agent settings. Datastores can be used to separate volumes and configurations according to your needs, for example, one storage with SSDs and another with HDDs. |
source | The disk source can be either a file path or a gene reference. As a gene reference it has to be of format: As a file path the disk path has to be accessable from the host agent / eryph-zero (not the client). |
size | Size of the disk in GiB (Gigabyte). Will be ignored for for DVD drives and if smaller then source disk. |
type | Type of disk to be created. SharedVHD and VHDSets are only supported on Windows servers with shared storage. Both cause the VHD to be copied from the source and not created as a differencial disk regardless of other settings. You have to set DVD will create a DVD disk with can consume a ISO file for a CD/DVD image. |
Network adapter settings
settings group name: network_adapters
setting type: list of named objects
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the adapter in clasic unix name format (eth0, eth1, etc..). eth0 will be first adapter, eth1 second and so on. |
mutation | Optional setting on how parent adapters should be inherited. The default is |
mac_address | Explicit configuration of a mac address for the adapter. If not specified a random mac address will be generated. |
Capabilities settings
Capabilities are used to control features that either require special hardware, host versions, and/or are only supported if the catlet is built with support for them. Capabilities declared at the catlet level are opt-in or opt-out declarations of the catlet. For some capabilities, the host must also opt-in to the capability. Only if both match can the catlet be built on the host.
settings group name: capabilities
setting type: list of named objects
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the capability. See below for a list of current capabilities supported. |
mutation | Optional setting on how parent capabilities should be inherited. The default is |
details | A string array with additional detail settings for the capabilities, see capability list. |
Supported capabilities with eryph 0.2 and higher
Capability | Description | ||||||||
dynamic_memory | Configures dynamic memory settings of the catlet.
| ||||||||
secure_boot | Configures secure boot settings of the catlet.
| ||||||||
nested_virtualization | Configures nested virtualization settings of the catlet.
| ||||||||
tpm | Configures TPM settings of the catlet.
Networks settings
settings group name: networks
setting type: list of named objects
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the network to configure. This references to the network name within the project. For the default project the network name is "default" if not configured otherwise. |
mutation | Optional setting on how parent networks should be inherited. The default is |
adapter_name | Name of the network adapter this network will be bound to. If not specified this will be auto assigned in the order of networks (eth0, eth1, etc.). If not enough adapters exists for each network new adapters will be created. |
subnet_v4 | IPv4 subnet configuration of the network. See networks/subnet_v4 settings for details. |
subnet_v6 | IPv6 subnet configuration of the network. Reserved for future use - currently not implemented. |
settings group name: networks/subnet_v4
setting type: object
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the subnet be used from the projects network. Value is "default" if not configured otherwise. |
ip_pool | Name of the ip pool in the projects subnet. Value is "default" if not configured otherwise. |
Catlet fodder settings
settings group name: fodder
setting type: list of named objects
Same format as fodder settings in fodder specifications. See below for details.
Variables settings
Variables declared on the catlet can be used for binding dynamic values into fodder content and in referenced fodder variables. See fodder specification on details how to use variables in fodder.
Variables cannot be used in other catlet settings. However, since catlet specifications are just text files, you can always search and replace variable contents even in catlets. However, this must always be done on the client side.
settings group name: variables
setting type: list of named objects
Same format as variables settings in fodder specifications. See below for details.
Fodder specification
A fodder specification is a standalone specification file that can be reused in catlet specs or other fodder specs. Unlike catlets, fodder specifications can only be consumed from the genepool and not from the client.
Like catlet specs they can be referenced from the genepool by the gene reference syntax gene:<org>/<geneset>/<optional tag>:[gene]
where [gene]
is the name of the fodder gene.
Both fodder genes and catlet genes can contain a fodder settings section with same features as below.
Fodder gene settings
Setting | Description |
version | Version of the specification file format. If missing default version will be assumed, which is currently 1.0. |
name | Name of the fodder gene. |
Variables settings
Variables declared on the fodder can be used for binding dynamic values into fodder content and in referenced fodder variables.
settings group name: variables
setting type: list of named objects
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the variable |
type | Variable type. One of: string, boolean, number |
value | Default value of the variable. Can always be a string. For boolean values also true/false and for number values even numbers are allowed without quotes. |
secret | Consider value as secret which will protect the variable as a secret for input (masking input in clients). |
required | Marks a variable as required. Client should ask for variables which are required, otherwise catlet deployment will fail. |
Fodder settings
settings group name: fodder
setting type: list of named objects
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the fodder |
source | A gene reference to a fodder configuration in gene reference format: gene:<org>/<geneset>/<optional tag>:<gene> If no name is given, all fodder is inherited from the referenced fodder gene. If a name is given, only fodder with the requested name will be used. |
remove | Removes referenced fodder inherits from parent catlet or referenced fodder gene that matches name. |
type | Fodder content type. Currently same as cloud-init supported user data formats. If omitted "cloud-config" is used. Windows Limitations On windows, cloud-init features are limited. Our base catlets use cloudbase-init, which is a fork of cloud-init that supports not all features of cloud-init. Only types cloud-init and shellscript should be used on windows. |
secret | Considers content as secret which will cause the content to be removed from cloud-init data 15 minutes after start of catlet. |
content | Fodder content. Can be both specified as multiline string with |
or directly in yaml in case content is also YAML content like cloud-init configuration.
You can use variables within the fodder content like this:
Content size Please consider file restrictions on fodder content, as each fodder and catlet spec cannot be larger then 2 MB. You should therefore not use the fodder content for large files encoded as base64. If you have such requirements please consider a configuration management tool like ansible/chef/puppet or use remote access for further configuration. |
filename | Fodder filename for cloud-init. |
variables | This setting is used to set variable values of referenced genes.
Project network specification
Project networks define how the virtual networks are build for a project.
When using overlay networks, project networks can overlap because each project network is invisible to other project networks.
When a project is created, a default overlay network is created that should be sufficient for many use cases:
- default network
- An IP pool with up to 140 IP addresses.
- Default dns server settings with quad9 and google as dns providers.
version: 1.0
- name: default
- name: default
- name: default
mtu: 1400
Project networks settings
Setting | Description |
version | Version of the specification file format. If missing default version will be assumed, which is currently 1.0. |
project | Name of the project. This value is currently only used when project network config is generated from eryph. As it is no longer not used when building the project network it may be removed in future. |
networks | List of networks declared in the project. Any network declared here can be used by catlets in the project. You should always define a "default" network, as this network will be used by all catlets that don't change the network explicitly. |
Networks settings
These settings define the networks in the project.
Please note that eryph always creates a virtual router to route traffic between all overlay networks declared in the project. This includes networks in different environments. Therefore, networks in a project should not overlap.
settings group name: networks
setting type: list of named objects
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the network |
environment | Optional setting of network environment. If you set the environment for a network, catlets with the corresponding environment will use this network if both the network name and the environment match. Environment allows you to separate catlets, but still allow them to communicate with each other (see domain default below). Typical use cases for environments are staging and production environments that define the same services. |
provider | Network provider name or settings. If omitted, the network provider "default" is used. This setting configures which network provider from the network providers configuration should be used. |
address | IPv4 network address in CIDR notation. |
subnets | List of subnets declared in the network. For overlay networks, you should always define a "default" subnet, as this subnet will be used by all catlets that don't explicitly change the subnet. Flat networks don't use this setting, but the subnet settings of the network provider. |
settings group name: networks/provider
setting type: object
YAML short format: provider: <name>
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the network provider If you specify a flat network here, the network will use the settings of the network provider for subnets and ip pools of the project network. |
subnet | Subnet of network provider to use If omitted, the network provider subnet "default" is used. |
ip_pool | Ip pool of network provider to use If omitted, the network provider ip pool "default" is used. |
settings group name: networks/subnets
setting type: list of named objects
Setting | Description |
name | Name of the subnet |
address | IPv4 network address of the subnet in CIDR notation. If missing, entire network address will be used for this subnet. |
ip_pools | List of ip pools declared in the network. A subnet has to contain at least one ip pool. See below for ip pool settings. Ip pools provide a range of IPs that will be used by the virtual networking to assign ip addresses to the catlet network ports. You should always define a "default" ip pool, as this ip pool will be used by all catlets that don't change the ip pool explicitly. |
dns_servers | A array of string values with dns servers for this subnet. The dns servers listed here will be used to resolve external IP addresses. Internal network addresses will be resolved with these dns servers, however you always have to configure one. |
dns_domain | Dns domain name for this subnet. The default value is for the default environment and [environment] for other environments. If you configure a custom value for the dns domain, be aware that hostnames in different environments may overlap. |
mtu | MTU for the network This setting configures which MTU value is provided in the catlet network configuration. The default is 1400 for overlay networks. Changing the mtu is recommended because virtual networking works with xvlan, which requires additional space on the IP header. 1400 is not the optimal MTU value, but was chosen for maximum compatibility with even consumer-grade networking devices. |
settings group name: networks/subnets/ip_pools
setting type: list of named objects
Setting | Description |
name | The name of the IP pool. |
first_ip | The first IP address in the pool. |
last_ip | Last IP address in the pool. |
next_ip | Next IP address in the pool. Normally you don't need to change this setting, as it is only used to initialize the IP pool in case the current IP pool position is unavailable. |